Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is the process of treating the temperature, humidity, cleanness and distribution of the air. McVeigh Technical Solutions design, install and maintain air conditioning systems, ensuring your system is reliable, provides the right temperature and humidity to meet the needs of your building, and provides maximum comfort for all occupants of the building.

We look after the life of your air conditioning system – making sure it gives you reliable and efficient service. Helping you to save energy and run your HVAC system at optimum efficiency.

  • Improve the efficiency of your building
  • Improve air quality and building comfort
  • Improve system performance
  • Save money on energy bills


To reduce your total cost of ownership
Our specialist design services include a comprehensive site survey to assess the layout, structure and use of your building.


To meet your exact project, build and integration requirements
We undertake any size of installation project, from a small retail outlet to the largest warehouse and factory premises.


To provide you with an efficient and reliable system
We offer a comprehensive maintenance service, covering any make of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.